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Exciting News for 2fools4Christ

Our Lord has really been making things happen. He is always at work whether we see it or not. We can believe that He is perfecting all there is concerning us and take great peace in knowing that He is all He says He is! (Psalms 138:8 and Philippians 1:6)

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We have not given an update in quite a while. There have been a lot of things happening!

We were able to take in my great-nephew almost a year and a half, ago. He just turned 2 years old and is doing very well. His parents are also doing well, both are in long-term, residential recovery programs.

I have been doing a lot of volunteer work with various ministries and individuals with publications and marketing, as well as serving on a team with Kairos Outside of North Alabama. About a year ago, I began helping others to publish their books with KDP, where they could sell them on and tons of other distributions as e-books and paperbacks. I self-published my own books, too. I felt led to start a business called PS95 PRESS to be able to help bring income into our house so we can be more of a blessing to others, get out of debt eventually, and get a bigger house. Everything has not come full circle just yet, but I am trusting in God’s timing and His love to lead us onward and upward for His glory.

Jerry has been self-employed for the past couple of years doing landscaping and working as a mobile mechanic. As his faith and confidence in the Lord are growing, he has been working more for himself as a mobile mechanic instead of being contracted as a landscape laborer. He does love to work outside and do landscaping, but he loves to work on cars and help other people more. He finally has been focused on the mobile mechanic business in the past few months and has seen a big increase in repeat and new customers. We both know that it is all because of our Lord and His hand on our lives. We could do nothing without Him but with Him we can do all He has called us to do. He sends customers and business just at the right times and He sends customers who need us as well as those who are a blessing to us. Sometimes Jerry gives people a big break just because he knows they need it. Other times, people pay him above what he asks, and you know that is God’s favor! I am also grateful to see that even though there have been a few that have tried to take advantage, that God reminds us that He rewards us for our labor, and we have been at peace and have been provided for, even when some have not paid. I am thankful to not speak ill of them or seek any revenge, but to have the Lord’s peace in these times and His heart of love is an indescribable joy that cannot be explained. Like I said, most of the time, we are blessed and are able to be a blessing and even when it may not seem like it every once in a while, we can go by what we know and not what we see in that moment.

Most of all, I want to tell you that God is faithful and He has been continually working in us to grow our faith and mold us more into His character. Of course we make mistakes every day, but I thank the Lord that instead of beating us down, He lifts us up by forgiving us, and teaching us. I have learned to seek His face early, every morning, over the past few years. He never fails to encourage me and to remind me of His love. He reminds me to tell the enemy to shut up and be silent because he has no power over me. The Lord gently reminds me to use soft words during the day and trust Him. When I blow it and yell at the kids or get frustrated, He is so sweet to remind me that He does not treat me that way and then He gives me another chance to learn and practice His will. He reminds me that I don’t have to be frustrated because I know that He is going to work all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He reminds me of all the times that I messed up, but He made it right. He reminds me of the times when I thought all was lost, but He made a way and showed me the way. His faithfulness is on full display in my life. No, I am not always faithful even though I want to be and wish that I was with all that I am. But, His faithfulness can be seen because He is the one who sustains us. We would not be here, still today, married and happy with three beautiful, intelligent, smiling children if it were not for Jesus!

The books I have helped to publish are:

Mary Priddy, My Redeeming Mess

Dr. Louise Leigh, PhD, Heart Bridge

Lloyd Renaud, Renaud’s Kingdom of Reality

Angela Dingler, From Affliction and Refinement to Fulfillment: Inside My Process

and The Lost and Found Merry-Go-Round, Poems

A couple of the websites that I have helped and set up are:


I have also helped the Offender Alumni Organization with fundraising, print and promotional items, as well as social media graphics. Visit them on Facebook @OffenderAlumniAssociation

Always, to God our Father be all the glory through Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord and Savior and in the power of His Holy Spirit and Love!


This blog is for anyone who wants to know more about Jesus and His love and how faith in Him plays out in real life application. Hello, we are Jerry and Angela and we are two fools for Christ. We have decided to make our lives totally surrendered to Jesus in response to His love and His gift of salvation. We are in our early 40′s and we have two children together and [Angela has] an older daughter that is now an adult. We have been married to each other for going on ten years. We surrendered our lives to the Lord together in 2010 and have been growing in that relationship with Him and each other since that time. We both accepted salvation and made professions of faith earlier in our lives, but did not make Him Lord and Savior until 2010. At that time we realized that trying to walk in our own strength and our own ways was useless and empty and had led us to another rock bottom experience. We humbly turned our lives over to Jesus and have been seeking Him with all that we are ever since. That does not mean that we have become perfect. That does not mean that we have not sinned again. That does not mean that we have not had trouble or trials or storms since that time. What this means is that we are growing, we are learning, we are becoming more loving and compassionate and forgiving. We want to share our faith with our readers. We want to share our growth process and transformation with you. We wish to encourage you and lift you.

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