About 2fools4Christ


Hello, we are Jerry and Angela and we are two fools for Christ. We have decided to make our lives totally surrendered to Jesus in response to His love and His gift of salvation. Our past is littered with alcohol addiction, drug addiction and abuse, suicide attempts, depression, divorces, theft charges, DUI charges, survivor of sexual abuse, jail time, prison time, inpatient hospital stays for depression, adultery, the debauchery that drug and alcohol abuse lead to, and many other multiple sins such as being unforgiving, gossiping, slander, having a critical and condemning spirit towards others, fits of anger, self hatred, false humility and pride, rebellion, fear, unbelief – and the list could go on forever! That is why we are 2fools4Christ! He has changed our lives and given us a living hope in Him, hallelujah! We are no longer who we used to be! We are new creatures in Jesus Christ and we are redeemed and so we shout His praises! He who has been forgiven of much, loves Him much, and that is us. We love Jesus and we hope that others come to know Him – not just know about Him, like we did. But we pray that you truly come to know Him and the fullness of His love.

We are in our early 40’s and we have two children together and [Angela has] an older daughter that is now an adult. We have been married to each other for over ten years. We have recently become guardians to my great-nephew and so our family has grown.

We surrendered our lives to the Lord together in 2010 and have been growing in that relationship with Him and each other since that time. We both accepted salvation and made professions of faith earlier in our lives, but did not make Him Lord and Savior until 2010. At that time we realized that trying to walk in our own strength and our own ways was useless and empty and had led us to another rock bottom experience. We humbly turned our lives over to Jesus and have been seeking Him with all that we are ever since.

That does not mean that we have become perfect. That does not mean that we have not sinned again. That does not mean that we have not had trouble or trials or storms since that time. What this means is that we are growing, we are learning, we are becoming more loving and compassionate and forgiving.

We want to share our faith with our readers. We want to share our growth process and transformation with you. We wish to encourage you and lift you.

This blog is for anyone who wants to know more about Jesus and His love and how faith in Him plays out in real life application.

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